The interview with Andrew Schlafly ’81 (A Moment with, Feb. 24) shows once again that even the best education is no guarantee of good sense. He seems to know nothing about the origins or practice of world history, which tries to be neutral among the world’s religions, not atheistic. (To be fair, world history probably was not taught at Princeton during his years.) He misunderstands Wikipedia, which long ago put in place screening procedures to filter out trash. Mr. Schlafly’s interview implies he takes the Book of Genesis literally. If so. he is woefully ignorant of the history of Christianity as well, since neither Roman Catholic nor Protestant theologians support that position. Do the natural sciences mean nothing to him? How is he going to oversee a new translation of the ancient texts if, without language skills of his own, he is indifferent to a thousand years of scholarship? It boggles the mind. I hope he has given up teaching.

Michael G. Hall ’47