In What’s Wrong with Fat? (Oxford Univer­sity Press) ABIGAIL C. SAGUY *00 looks at how and why being heavy has come to be understood in the United States as a medical problem and public-health crisis. She shows how the war on obesity actually may worsen health, through weight-based bullying, discrimination, and misdiagnoses. Saguy is an associate professor of sociology and of gender studies at UCLA.

BIANCA BOSKER ’08 examines how the Chinese are re-creating Western architecture in Original Copies: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China (University of Hawai’i Press). A Chengdu residential complex looks like Dorchester, England; a replica of the Eiffel Tower stands in Hangzhou; a home in Shenzhen is modeled after the White House. Bosker is the senior tech editor at The Huffington Post.

The documentary A Polite Bribe — co-produced by TED DEUTSCH ’91 and directed by Robert Orlando — explores the Apostle Paul’s role in the beginnings of Christianity and an offering of gold he made to the Jerusalem church. The film examines the divide between Paul, who aimed to bring gentiles into the new movement, and the more conservative apostles such as Peter, who held that Christians should adhere more strictly to Jewish laws.

Scroll down for a video preview of A Polite Bribe.


Two brothers and a cousin from a poor fishing family in Bonaire, a small Caribbean island, became three of the top freestyle windsurfers in the world. Children of the Wind, an award-winning documentary produced by ROBERT MCCORMICK SCHMON ’74 and directed by his daughter Daphne Schmon, tells their story.

Scroll down for a video preview of Children of the Wind.