I bet that very few of your readers will recall Frank Deford’s funniest piece ever. It was a letter to PAW about 1970 or so. At the time there was a controversy brewing, principally among older alumni, about “cohabitation.” The presence of women on campus would surely lead to cohabitation among undergraduates.  

Deford said, as I recall, that he was not quite sure what cohabitation was, but he was certainly opposed to it — it sounded like the kind of thing that would “bring down property values.”  

Deford’s solution to this controversy was ingenious. Princeton and Yale were to continue their normal admission processes, and then during Freshman Week, the two schools would exchange freshman girls. He surmised that older Princetonians, who normally would be appalled by cohabitation on Princeton’s campus, would “chortle themselves silly” with the idea of Princeton men having their way with all of those Yale girls.  

It was genius, of course.