As a member of the proud Class of ’51, I was and remain a humanist and write in praise of Old Nassau’s leader and the July 11 President’s Page. I majored in classics (Latin and Greek) and remember mentors like Robert Goheen ’40 *48, F.C. Bourne, Antony Raubitschek, George Duckworth ’24 *31, and John V.A. Fine, under the presidencies of Harold Dodds *14 and then Goheen.

Budget constraints led SUNY to pare down “dead” and other languages, music, arts, drama, and many sports. While funds may be lacking, I pray this pruning will not stand. The erudition displayed by Dr. Tilghman is admirable. I confess, while I read PAW from cover to cover, I usually pass over the President’s Page; more’s the pity.

Words matter: 1951’s motto is “Carpe diem.” Wellesley’s “Non ministrari sed ministrare” (“Not to be served, but to serve”) and Madeira’s “Function in ­disaster, finish in style” aptly capture essential things. So do “Going Back” and “Old Nassau.”

Thank you, Dr. Tilghman, for your hail to humanism.