Michael Verter, retired vice president of an electronic components firm, died from a stroke Sept. 18, 2011. He was 62.

Verter received a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Cooper Union in 1970 after graduating from Brooklyn Tech high school in 1966. Following a year at the University of Connecticut, he came to Princeton and earned a master’s degree in 1973 and a Ph.D. in 1976, both in chemistry.

According to his wife, Verter did not use his chemistry Ph.D., but worked in his family’s business. Retiring in 1999, he continued his many years of volunteer work and “deeds of kindness” for the Chabad House at Rutgers University in New Brunswick and with the Jewish community in the Highland Park/Edison, N.J., area.

Verter was known for arranging visitation and flowers for the sick in area hospitals on Friday afternoons for 30 years.

He is survived by his wife, Mini Verter, a child psychiatrist; three daughters; six grandchildren; and his sister, Frances *84.

Graduate memorials are prepared by the APGA.

Class Year: 
Graduate Class of 1976