James Horne, who had careers in academia, investment banking, and lastly in research science, died April 29, 2012. He was 47.

He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard in 1985 and earned a Ph.D. in physics from Princeton in 1990. He then held postdoctoral positions at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Yale, and Cambridge (U.K.). His academic career started in astronomy and moved to relativity and gravitation.

In 1996, Horne changed careers and moved into investment banking. He worked at several financial firms in London as a risk manager.

In 2002, he moved to Boulder, Colo., as a research scientist at Space Imagery and later at SAIC. In the mountains around Boulder, he enjoyed trail running, camping, and skiing.

Horne is survived by his wife, Katherine; two children; his parents; two siblings; and four nieces and nephews.

Graduate memorials are prepared by the APGA.

Class Year: 
Graduate Class of 1990