Frank died Aug. 9, 2012.

He came to Princeton from the Kent School and majored in English. Frank left in June 1942 and served as a naval aviator, but later returned to Princeton to complete his bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

He was a distinguished educator who taught at UCLA, where he was director of the freshman English program; worked at the University of Pittsburgh, where he was dean of the humanities division; and served as vice president for academic affairs at SUNY Purchase.

Frank had a well-deserved reputation as a gifted administrator and creator of innovative programs. Among his numerous awards were the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship and Folger Shakespeare Library Fellow. The Wenner-Gren Foundation renamed its Professional Development International Fellowship the Wadsworth Fellowship Program.

Frank is survived by his wife, Deborah; his daughters, Susan and Roxalene; three stepchildren, Adam, Lisa ’86, and Joshua; and seven grandchildren. The class extends its sympathy to them.

Class Year: 
Graduate Class of 1951
Undergraduate Class of 1943