Pachyderms for Sale

Dear Sir:

IN reference to your issue of July 8, 1949, I would like to correct your cover description. You quote that the three elephants came from the Barnum & Bailey Circus. This is not so, as the three handsome pachyderms who led the '44 P-rade are the property of the Hamid-Morton Circus, a good 50o/o of which belongs to the company of the undersigned. While B & B is undoubt­edly the king of all circuses, indoor and out­door, the Hamid-Morton Circus is the larg­est of the solely indoor circuses, playing 15 weeks in the fall and 20 weeks in the winter-spring, hitting such random town­ships as Milwaukee, Tulsa, Atlanta, Bos­ton, etc.

The three elephants in the P-rade have been with the Hamid-Morton Circus for over 10 years, although they have been in show business a good deal longer. Reading from left to right on the cover, Juno has been "with it" for 25 years, Mabel for 30 years and Mona for 20. Their Princeton appearance may be among the last, at least insofar as our circus is concerned, as we have just received a shipment of three babies from India. Perhaps. when these three are broken in Juno, Mabel and Mona will go to Elephant Pasture; maybe they will go with some traveling circus; or per­haps in some moment of great weakness we will sell them to Ringling.

Atlantic City, N.J.

P.S. If any sentimental '44er is interested, the market price on any one of these is about $5,000.