Face Value: The Irresistible Influence of First Impressions (Princeton University Press) is an accessible overview of psychology professor Alexander Todorov’s extensive work on facial features and first impressions. The book includes experiments for readers to test their own impressions.

Bound in Wedlock: Slave and Free Black Marriage in the Nineteenth Century (Harvard University Press) examines matrimony — forced and voluntary — among African Americans in the 19th century and how those couples adapted, revised, and rejected white Christian ideals of marriage both before and after emancipation. Author Tera W. Hunter is a professor of history and African American studies.

Built For Growth: How Builder Personality Shapes Your Business, Your Team, and Your Ability to Win (Harvard Business Review Press) identifies four different personality types common among entrepreneurs and delves into how a leader’s temperament can make or break a business. Author Chris Kuenne ’85 is a lecturer at Princeton, and John Danner is on the faculty at UC, Berkeley and Princeton.