Reunions means friends, fabulous times . . . and another Triangle Club show! This year’s show is titled Doomsdays of Our Lives . . . Hindsight Is 2012, but the club’s 1984 show had a more optimistic — though equally punny — name: Revel Without a Pause. In this photo by Cliff Moore, “zoo animals” perform the Revel song “Leisure for a Living.” From left are, Maryalice Ward ’85, John Few ’84, John Clark ’84, Lisa Velarde ’85, Roz Hausmann ’84, Warren Van Wees ’86, Bill Hudnut ’84, Carol Dunne ’87, and Elliot Sterenfeld ’84. Donald Marsden ’64, graduate secretary of Triangle and author of The Long Kickline: A History of the Princeton Triangle Club, helped PAW identify the students.