PAW’s email alerts keep you informed about the web-exclusive content posted with each issue of the magazine. But there are plenty of new stories to see between issues, too, on The Weekly Blog. If you’d like to stay up to date on these items, we encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Twitter or subscribe to our RSS feed. – Marilyn H. Marks *86, editor |
Alumni Day 2013 Highlights from the weekend’s events, which featured top alumni award winners Mitch Daniels ’71 and Arminio Fraga *85. For a complete report, see the March 20 issue of PAW. READ MORE
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Dolgoff, a pediatrician featured on NBC’s The Biggest Loser, gives advice for parents on when and how to address weight issues. READ MORE
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In the age of streaming music, is the album dead? Kennedy talks about consumer choice and entrepreneurship in the music industry. READ MORE
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A list of graduate and undergraduate alumni deaths recently reported to the University. READ MORE
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Highlights from the March 6 issue: Ditch the furniture; line up the laptops The lives of young entrepreneurs. Tune in. Drop out. Start up. What Eden Full ’15 did on her break from college. A Moment With ... Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor ’76 Acclaimed author Joyce Carol Oates to retire from University | |