Jack, one of our quiet, bright, modest classmates died Mar. 8, 2002, in Columbia, S.C., from Parkinson's. He graduated from Greenville (S.C.) HS with highest honors and was awarded scholarships to Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. Fortunately for us, he chose Princeton. His closest friend, Prospect Club mate, and fellow public and international affairs specialist, Bruce Buell, recalls that Jack's thesis was on the rise of communism in Guatemala. His writings might not have coincided with the thoughts of his adviser, but they proved to be correct. Jack was a master sergeant in the Marines and a member of their honor guard for Pres. Eisenhower. Jack's knowledge of international affairs qualified him for the foreign service, but he was unable to serve because of mental and emotional difficulties.

Jack, who was divorced and had no children, was cared for lovingly by his sister, June. Another sibling, Judy Chewning, also survives. Bruce Buell said that Jack, like John Nash Jr. *50, had a beautiful mind but, unlike Nash, didn't get the breaks and was prevented from fulfilling his tremendous potential.

The Class of 1953

Class Year: 
Undergraduate Class of 1953