In Response to: Leonard S. Zegans ’55 [6]

Published online May 11, 2016

I was touched and saddened to read the memorial for Len Zegans ’55 in the Jan. 13 issue. I was lucky enough to have Len as my psychotherapy supervisor during my psychiatry residency at University of California, San Francisco, toward the end of his career.  Dr. Zegans was most influential in teaching me how to merge the roles of “doctor” and “psychotherapist.” As I write this, I have my old supervision notes beside me with quotes from Dr. Zegans that I had furiously scribbled down because of the simplicity, clarity, and humanity that his words brought to such challenging work.  We often talked about our shared Princeton connection during supervision. Last year I stopped by the ’55 reunion hoping to find Len, and ended up having a wonderful conversation with several people about him. I love my career as a psychiatrist, and Dr. Zegans’ legacy lives on with the psychiatry residents I am proud to teach.