Photo: Ricardo Barros

Re “Eisgruber Reflects” (cover story, April 20): I applaud that conversation, but have a few comments.

One of the major aspects of Princeton has been its unique culture. For those of us who worked to ensure that admitted students chose Princeton over unnamed others, we argued that Princeton was always a cohesive family. I do not see anywhere today a focus on that and raise the concern that if we lose that sense of family, we will have lost a major strength of Princeton.

I completely agree with the need to strengthen our major state universities. The reduction in funding for them is a national disgrace. But I don’t know how we convince state politicians to increase rather than decrease their funding. Those such as UC Berkeley, Michigan, etc. are important national resources.

As to transfers, shouldn’t we look to unhappy talent at such strong places as Berkeley, MIT, etc. rather than community colleges, which many times are more like advanced high schools?

Finally, I find that PAW seems to have reduced its coverage of Princeton athletics. I think that is a disservice to both our student athletes and those of us alumni interested in many aspects of what goes on at the University.