In Response to: The Oznot Project [6]

As a freshman in the fall of 1971 living in Holder Hall, I remember the sophomores across the landing from us talking about having gotten their dog admitted to Princeton, and I believe his picture was in the Freshman Herald as their proof. The dog, whose two-syllable name escapes me, was a minor legend in Holder, being tossed ice cubes from windows and, I’m embarrassed to admit, having had pot smoke blown up his nose. I never knew for sure if the story was true, but I use it as an ice-breaker when I interview applicants who want to know why I’m seeing them ... “I’m here to make sure you’re not a dog.” Of course, the above story shows that even an interview doesn’t guarantee a hoax can’t slip through, but it makes for a good story. Anybody else from Holder remember the dog or the first nude Olympics held on the first good snow?