Anthony Romero ’87’s Alumni Day address (reprinted in PAW’s April 8 issue) brought tears of pride to my eyes. In his life and words resides a shining example of the Princeton alumnus who has lived up to Woodrow Wilson’s creed of “Princeton in the Nation’s Service,” and to the added concept of services to all humanity.

As we try to survive the current COVID-19 pandemic, those of us fortunate to serve others have a prime opportunity to do so. I hope, even at my advanced age, to do a better job of sharing what I have, including the benefits of my Princeton education, with those less fortunate here in the epicenter of the virus outbreak, New York City. We need not only to share our financial resources but also our very homes with those who have wound up sleeping in the streets through no fault of their own ... to support development of affordable housing ... to do what is necessary to bring back an economy that offers jobs with a future.

Thanks, Anthony, for being a beacon for the rest of us to follow.