As the executive producer of the Reunions lawn concert and fireworks, I was very surprised to hear both a buzz around the tent circuit that future fireworks are to be canceled, and outrage that the University would proceed with such an expensive extravagance in a time of dire cutbacks. Apparently such individuals consider themselves knowledgeable in the costs of fireworks displays due to published reports on other major public shows, such as at Independence Day on the National Mall, or reports of canceled shows. I have heard uninformed estimates that the Reunions show “must cost” hundreds of thousands of dollars.

As in most of its endeavors, the University does its fireworks in the most cost-effective way possible. Our annual fee with Garden State Fireworks is $30,500, which was locked in as part of a three-year flat-rate contract in 2008.

Happily, there are some who love this show so much that they are willing to help underwrite the cost in the short term to ensure its continuation. Heartfelt thanks go out to the Class of 1963 for this commitment.