Congratulations on a superb issue of PAW (Oct. 7). The cover story on Alex Wilson is excellent, but I was even more taken by some of the shorter items.
First, President Tilghman’s advice to the entering freshmen was pithy, powerful, and profound. It will be hard to top in 2010! Also excellent was the article by Dina Viergutz ’01, who received similar wisdom from her adviser but didn’t hear it until several years later, when she realized she had been climbing the wrong mountain all along.
I was also very taken by the profiles of Jeremy Ben-Ami ’84 and T.R. Reid ’66, both of whom have taken unorthodox and extremely important steps to deal with top issues of our time, the Middle East and health care.
And finally I could not help but be amused by the juxtaposition of the two letters to the editor about Justices Samuel Alito ’72 and Sonia Sotomayor ’76. You put them in the right order.
It all makes me proud to be a Princetonian. Keep up the good work!