As a co-founder of Sustainable Tucson now living sustainably in northern California, I read with interest your Feb. 3 cover story, “Sustaining Princeton.” In response to Shana Weber’s call for inspiration: Sustainability can be an inspiring lifelong adventure sparked by challenging questions:

How little water/electricity/fuel do I actually need? How much of my daily route can I accomplish on a bicycle? If a disaster forced me from home, what would I carry? Why not pack a bag to grab in an emergency? Why not carry my own stainless cup/water bottle? How can multiple clothing layers keep me warm/cool yet fashionable? How can I build an entrepreneurial business in cooperation with nature? Can I wash my hair every third or fifth day? Could I travel the world with just one backpack? What favorite foods could I grow myself or access directly from the grower/farmer?  

Could Princeton sponsor plantings of trees/hemp/kenaf to support Universitywide paper use? What place could composting toilets have in campus life and campus gardening? Could several friends plant a food garden in a Princeton yard?  

Each step increases independence, reduces guilt and anxiety, creates a unique personal style, and sets a walk-your-talk example for friends and colleagues. Every incremental step counts. Princeton in the planet’s service!