Bill Mullin died May 16, 2011, in Kokomo, Ind.

Bill grew up in Syracuse, N.Y., and came to Princeton from Christian Brothers Academy. He majored in sociology, lived in Edwards senior year, and was most remembered for his dedication to WPRB. Bill was willing and able to take on all tasks at the radio station, including news reporting, music shows, sports, and technical support. He infused his efforts in broadcast radio with flair, creativity, and a wry sense of humor, including leadership of the largely fictitious “Announcers’ Collective.”

After graduation, he managed several Syracuse restaurants and hotels. Then, using self-taught technical skills, he worked as systems administrator at Hanford Manufacturing Co. in Syracuse. He was a founding board member of the Syracuse Invitational Hockey Tournament. He joined Agentware Systems in Kokomo as director of engineering and quality assurance, working with Chrysler on the integration of Agentware products. His hobbies included golf, poker, and trivia.

His classmates missed his presence at Reunions and formal class activities, but he never was far from their thoughts. He is survived by four brothers and two sisters. To his family and friends, the class sends sympathy.

Class Year: 
Undergraduate Class of 1971