In Response to: She Can Do It! [6]

A Call to the Musicians of Homer, Alaska (and America)
By Lindianne Sarno
Oct. 22, 2018

Sitting with Rep. Paul Seaton at the K-Bay Caffe today
I mention Ray Metcalfe sent a message through Lela
Asking me to chair the Democratic Party on the south Kenai Peninsula.
I say, I would rather organize the musicians.
So Paul Seaton envisions musicians playing together every day
Leading up to a full Election Day of music
Outdoors, under a gazebo if it rains;  
Peace Park, Gazebo Park, WKFL Park would be ideal.
Call the newspapers and radio, advised Paul Seaton.

What are Musicians for?
Musicians are troubadours and transformers of energy. 
Musicians are prophets, builders of humanity’s hope for a good future.  
 Living by an ethic of humility 
We musicians humbly serve each other in rhythm and harmony.
When we have the stage or the microphone we have power.
Musicians, use your voice generously and wisely in these two weeks
Leading to the most important election of our lives.

Historians will look back at the mid-term election of 2018
As the turning point when America came to its senses and
the people averted a rising tide of fascism.
Where musicians gathered and sang and played 
Listeners came out, libations flowed, pies and soups were shared.
Youth and elders together aired the concerns of 2018
Candidates showed up to listen
And we the people all voted.

The lame and the old, the young and the hopeful
The rich and the poor, the sick and the healthy
The wealthy and the hungry
The immigrant and the established
We all came out to listen and speak at music parties across America
Rides and early votes were arranged to make sure
Everyone who wanted to vote did vote.

America Rocked the Vote, Gospel’d the Vote, Folk’d the Vote,
Country’d the Vote, Jazzed the Vote, Punk Rocked the Vote,
Classic’d the Vote! Everyone was included!  

Because the Musicians said, Regardless of your party
Come to this Party of Parties
God is welcome
And Jesus is welcome
And Mohammed is welcome
And Mother Earth and her Nations are welcome.

Even those who sin in arrogance and pride
Who make war and dominate and presume to decide
Who shall live and who shall die
You too are welcome in the name of truth, goodness and beauty
Provided you promise nevermore to lie to the people.

This call to musicians is a recipe for freedom.
What does your heart call you to do?
I will bring my five-string fiddle
Built by Ray DeMeo in Anchor Point, Alaska
Of Sitka spruce and Vermont maple
And fiddle for the singers and players.