Chris, who died in Toronto after a long illness June 8, 2019, came to Princeton from South Africa. His father was that country’s consul general at the United Nations. According to Ken Alonso ’64, who was one of Chris’ roommates and described him as “a well-bred individual,” Chris left Princeton in the second semester of freshman year when his father was reassigned to a position in South Africa. Thereafter the University lost contact with him.

An obituary that appeared in The Globe and Mail of Toronto indicated that Chris lived for many years in Canada, where he worked mostly as a communications professional in government. He had a deep interest in sports, especially in pro tennis. As a journalist, he covered all the major tournaments and edited Racket Canada’s magazine. He also was enamored of rugby and served as tour director for the Eastern Ontario Rugby Union.

At the time of his death, he was survived by his former wife, Helene.

Class Year: 
Undergraduate Class of 1964