RALPH POOLE, whose varied career included building Marineland in Florida, operating a successful dairy farm in upstate New York, serving as president of a real-estate development company in Chicago, acting as president pro tem of Wells College in Aurora, N.Y., and playing a leading role in community affairs in Key West. Fla., his adopted home, died suddenly on Nov. 9, 1989. "I have been lucky, I guess," he wrote not long before he died, "for with few exceptions, I have always enjoyed what I did."

Nicknamed "Dynie" (short for dynamo), Ralph was a doer. Probably his happiest years came right after WWII, when he and his beloved wife, Kitty Wickes Poole, a graduate of Sarah Lawrence whom he married in 1938, lived at Bellwood Farm in Geneva, N.Y., with their four children, "a closely knit family affair," as he described it. "The work is demanding, the hours long—but I like it." Kitty died of cancer in 1978.

Ralph is survived by two sons, Ralph H. III (Robbie) and Alan F. '70; two daughters, Marten and Mary; a brother, Richard G. '41; and two sisters. To them we offer our sincere sympathies.

The Class of 1934

Undergraduate Class of 1934