Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our list of frequently asked questions for information about address changes, subscriptions, advertising, and more. If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact us at paw@princeton.edu.


How do I subscribe to PAW?

PAW is sent to all Princeton undergraduate and graduate alumni.

PAW is also available by subscription for $30 a year ($34 outside the United States). To subscribe, mail a check made payable to Princeton Alumni Weekly to: Subscriptions, Princeton Alumni Weekly, 194 Nassau St., Suite 38, Princeton, NJ 08542. We also accept MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. For credit card orders, please include the account number, expiration date, and billing address. Subscriptions will not be processed without a credit card number or check in hand by the business office. Questions? Call 609-258-2107 or as7811@princeton.edu.


Where do I send a change of address?

To change your address, please notify Alumni Records at alumrecs@princeton.edu. While the database is changed immediately, it takes four to six weeks to have PAW delivered to the new address.


My spouse and I are both alumni. Can we get just one copy of PAW addressed to both of us?

Yes. A special address line can be created for PAW recipients who live in the same household, request only one PAW, and wish both names to appear on the PAW label. It is limited to 30 characters. Please email cmorris@princeton.edu the wording you wish for the special PAW line. Also be aware that changes take about six weeks to become effective, so you may continue to receive two issues until you see the change in the label.


How can I get advertising information or place an ad?

Click here for information on advertising, PAW’s media kit, and a form to submit a classified ad.


Are back issues of PAW available?

Limited copies of back issues are available, primarily for recent years. The cost is $2 per copy, plus postage. The PAW website includes an electronic archive of issues dating back to September 1995.


How can I submit an item for Class Notes?

Class Notes information, including contact information for class secretaries, is provided in the print issue. Online, this information is password-protected. To read your notes and obtain the contact information for your class secretary, use this link and enter your TigerNet ID.


How can I submit information for a memorial?

Memorials are written for PAW by members of the subject’s undergraduate class or, in the case of graduate students, by a member of the Association of Princeton Graduate Alumni. Information submitted to pawmemorials@princeton.edu will be forwarded to the appropriate memorialist.


How do I submit a letter to the editor or essay?

PAW invites readers to participate in thoughtful and respectful dialogue by sharing their opinions, perspectives, and reflections about PAW’s content, the Princeton community, or issues of interest to Princetonians. There are two avenues for this: comments and essays.

Comments appear in the “Inbox” section and are not to be more than 500 words for online consideration and 250 words for print. Essays can range from 500-800 words.

The views expressed in comments and essays are the author’s and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of PAW or Princeton University.

If you would like to write an essay, please email a brief proposal or outline to editor Peter Barzilai ’97 at pbarzilai@princeton.edu. Your essay will be subject to the same level of fact checking and editing for content as other PAW articles.

If you would like to submit a comment, please do so at paw.princeton.edu or email it to paw@princeton.edu. All comments will be reviewed prior to posting. Click here to read more about our commenting policy and rules.


To whom should I submit a book, music, or film to be mentioned in PAW?

PAW welcomes information about new books, music, or films by alumni and faculty. Because of the volume of submissions, we are unable to include all works in our printed issues. To submit news of your new book, music, film, click here.


What do the abbreviations after names in PAW mean?

PAW identifies all alumni by class year (an apostrophe denotes undergraduate year, while a star [e.g. *95] is used for a graduate year). The magazine also uses several abbreviations to identify relationships of alumni and their family members in the context of the University. The designations are:

“p” = parent of a Princetonian (e.g. p’92)

“s” = spouse of a Princeton alum (e.g. s’89)

“w” = widow or widower of an alum (e.g. w’48)

“k” = kin of an alum; used for grandchildren, siblings, etc. (e.g. k’45)

“h” = sometimes used for honorary classmates (e.g. h’75); in Class Notes, these classmates are usually identified by bold type

Class years more than a century before current undergraduate classes are not abbreviated. For example, a Princeton relative from the Class of 1912 would be John Doe 1912, rather than John Doe ’12, in order to distinguish him from a 2012 alum. This applies to class years up to and including the current freshman class.


What are your guidelines for writers?

PAW welcomes freelance contributions and ideas and queries from our readers, particularly from alumni, faculty members, and other members of the University community. We receive many queries, however, and it may take us several weeks to reply.

To propose an alumni profile, email paw@princeton.edu or editor Peter Barzilai ’97 at pbarzilai@princeton.edu.

To propose a story for the On the Campus (news) section, email managing editor Brett Tomlinson at btomlins@princeton.edu.

To propose a story for the Tiger Travels section, email associate editor Carlett Spike at cspike@princeton.edu.

For all other queries, please send an email to paw@princeton.edu.

For all other queries, please email editor Peter Barzilai ’97 at pbarzilai@princeton.edu.


How can I get a copy of a photo that was published in PAW?

Contact art director Matt Cole at mc6750@princeton.edu for details. 


What is PAW's corrections policy?

PAW corrects errors promptly. If you spot an error in PAW’s print or online publications, please post a comment on the story page or contact us at paw@princeton.edu or 194 Nassau St., Suite 38, Princeton, NJ, 08542.
Print corrections appear at the end of the Inbox section under the heading “For the Record.” Online, the text of articles will be corrected, and a notice will appear at the beginning of the article to alert readers of this fact. A note will appear at the end of the article to explain the correction. 


Do Princeton students have any role with PAW?

Student interns work at the PAW office, and several students write the Student Dispatch column on a rotating basis. Students also contribute to PAW’s news and sports coverage.


I’d like to know more about PAW’s mission, history, and relationship with the University.

Please see the About PAW section of this website.


What is PAW’s privacy policy?

As a part of Princeton University, PAW follows Princeton University’s privacy policy. Find it online here.



PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
The Latest Issue

March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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