DON DIED of lung cancer on Aug. 25, 1991. Son of Homer J. Platten '17, he attended Collegiate and Haverford Schools before Princeton, where he took high honors in philosophy, was on the Princeton TIGER staff, and roomed with Bob Goheen and Bill Davidson,

So many individuals and institutions can he thankful for the selfless outreach that marked Don Platten's life: 45 years with Chemical Bank to become its highly esteemed leader; a passionate allegiance to N.Y.C., its mayoral advisory commissions, social and financial problems and citizen groups that "Cared About New York;" gene'rous participation in and guidance to a diverse range of educational, cultural, charitable, and civic organizations; and unflagging support to Princeton, culminating in a charter trusteeship and the establishment of the Donald C. Platten, Class of 1940, Scholarship.

Don and Margaret Wyckoff were married in 1940. To Peg, daughters Katherine F. Tyson and Alison P. Vanderbilt son Peter W. Platten '68, seven grandchildren and one greatgrandson, and brothers John H. Platten '38 and Peter Platten '43, we offer our sincere sympathy and wish to make known our admiration and respect for Don's boundless initiative and accomplishments, and his sense of dedicated commitment to the less fortunate'.

The Class of 1940

Undergraduate Class of 1940