Daniel Alfred Walters, of Rockville Md., telecommunications consultant with BoozAllen & Hamilton, died at the Hospice in Washington, D.C., Aug. 21, 1995. He was 55. He succumbed to lymphoma.

Born in the Bronx, N.Y., he earned his bachelor's at NYU, his MS in electrical engineering at Princeton in 1962, and PhD in computer and information services at the U. of Pennsylvania. He worked for RCA Corp. for 20 years, advancing from technical staff member to director of the Communications Systems Research Laboratory and subsequently was v.p. of NBC. In 1982 he relocated to Washington, D.C., and became v.p. of MCI Telecommunications. Walters joined BoozAllen in 1988 and was active in several ancillary professional groups as well, including Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu. He is survived by his wife, Karen, two daughters, his mother, and his sister. We extend sincere sympathy for this death.

The Graduate Alumni

Graduate Class of 1962