Bravo, April McQueen ’93 (“Changing Outlook,” PAW Tracks, posted online Feb. 3)! I applaud her openness and courage to discuss in public a serious matter normally ignored. Serious and persistent mental illness is no picnic. Indeed, it is a maelstrom, physically, emotionally, socially, financially. As April proves, recovery can be a long and winding road. As she attests, perhaps the most critical factor on the road to recovery is family support. More support is needed not only for loved ones beset by mental illness, but also for their families trying to navigate the maelstrom with them.

One more point: Support for Princeton-area individuals and families navigating the maelstrom of mental illness is available nearby. As a board member of the Princeton/Trenton affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), I know personally of wonderful resources and networks that NAMI provides. I encourage any Princetonian with such issues, loved one or family member alike, to connect with NAMI Mercer ( for help, education, and support. 

Tom Pyle ’76
Princeton, N.J.