Alumni took a break from their Reunions activities to pose with PAW’s photo frame
Alumni at the Fuzzy Dice improv comedy reunion Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Naman Jain ’17 and Spyder-Ryder Sloman ’17
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Martin Weinrich ’63 and Alix van Geel ’93
Jessica Zhou ’19

Maya Reid ’12
Jessica Zhou ’19

Kim Pearson ’78, Adrien Wing ’78, and Rosemary Garcés Lebron ’78
Sofie Kim ’20

Max Staller ’08, Ashley Wolf ’08, Hanlin Tang ’08, and Christine Wei
Jessica Zhou ’19

Riley MacAulay ’18, Tenley Shield ’18, Katrine Steffensen ’18, and Sara Goodwin ’18
Jessica Zhou ’19

Anastasia Auber ’13, Bennu Boyner ’13, and Casey Cortes ’13
Jessica Zhou ’19

P.J. Chew ’95, Red Abbott ’96, Spencer Haldeman ’16, and John Wolfe ’14
Sofie Kim ’20

Bruce Leslie ’66
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Bob Largey ’79
Sofie Kim ’20

Spencer, Nate, and Jack Kimberly, all k’03
Jessica Zhou ’19

Ken Mayers ’58 and Gene Shahan ’58
Sofie Kim ’20

Kevin Lee ’16 and Catherine Idylle ’16
Jessica Zhou ’19

Elizabeth Rose ’77 and Charlie Rose ’50
Jessica Zhou ’19

Dora Braun p’10 p’13
Jessica Zhou ’19

Kim Bonner ’08, Alayna Hermans s’13, Ryan McCullough ’08, Lauren McCullough s’08, and Zak Hermans ’13
Jessica Zhou ’19

Julia Yan ’13, Margaret Owensby ’13, Jennifer Tang ’13, Dolly Xu ’13, Saswathi Natta ’13, Christina Campodonico ’13, Ulili Emore ’13, and Jared Griffin ’13
Jessica Zhou ’19

Tony Barkan ’88, Steve Foster ’88, Ralph Wright ’88, and Chris Chambers ’88
Jessica Zhou ’19

Victoria Lin ’16, Neely Lewis ’16, and Katie Perez ’16
Jessica Zhou ’19

John Brenkus s’98, Lizzie Brenkus ’98, Arabella Brenkus k’98, and Bryce Brekus k’98,
Jessica Zhou ’19

John Strassfield ’09 and Andrew Kinaci ’10
Jessica Zhou ’19

Dick Arndt ’49
Jessica Zhou ’19

Sarah Grond ’16, Sean Yun ’16, and Kelsey Dennison ’16,
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Jessica Lucas Yecies ’08 and Regina Lee Fechter ’08
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Tom Hastings ’79 and Arlen Hastings ’80
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Elizabeth Banes ’16, Lillian Xu ’16, Solveig Gold ’17, Gabriel Crouch h’14, Rose Lapp ’15, Kiana Amirahmadi ’16, and Katherine Mount ’14
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Jacob Pearcy ’18, Emily Ho ’18, and Paige Kunkle ’18
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Stacey Park ’17, Margaret Wang ’17, Beverly Nguyen ’16, and Sunny Sidique ’17
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Emily Chang ’16 and Patricia Yeh ’14
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Marta Santos ’98 and Nicole Harrison Evans ’98
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Ed Cox ’68, Armistead Williams ’68, and Widget Williams s’68
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Ruchi Gupta ’98, Ashish Tekchandani, Anika Tekchandani, and Zarina Tekchandani
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Zachary Knower ’88
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Joan Weidner s’69 and Dick Bott ’69
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Joe Marshall ’69 and Rick Kitto ’69
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Susanna Hamilton ’12, Ayenat Mersie ’12, and Zack Newick ’12
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

Dave Van Kleeck ’73
Sofie Kim ’20

Raj Gandesha, Craig Stone ’68, Kathy Stone s’68, Suzanne Stone k’68
Sofie Kim ’20

Kate Miller ’13, Monica Chow ’13, Alston Gremillion, Deesha Sarma ’13, Christina Laurenzi ’13
Sofie Kim ’20

Greg Nortman ’00 and Don Nortman ’68
Sofie Kim ’20

Marita Martiney s’85, Marielle Martiney ’14, Jaime Martiney ’85
Sofie Kim ’20

Betsy Minkin ’77 and Josh Minkin ’78
Sofie Kim ’20

Eleanor Roberts and Jacob Schatz ’15
Sofie Kim ’20

Nina Lytton ’78
Sofie Kim ’20

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