Reunions tradition: Alumni enjoy the fireworks following the Saturday-night lawn concert by the Princeton University Orchestra.

Relive the colorful celebrations of Reunions 2019 with images of this year’s major classes.

A lounge at the 25th-reunion headquarters at Whitman College

Annual lawn concert by the Princeton University Orchestra, just before the fireworks Saturday night
Princeton physics professor Steven Gubser ’94 *98 and his daughter, Lillian, earn cheers as they ride their unicycles with the 25th-reunion class.
Frank Wojciechowski

From left: Linda Blackburn ’71, Samantha Johnson ’23, and Akira Bell ’95 are believed to be Princeton’s first all-female three-generation family.

The Class of ’09 pays tribute to a childhood pastime: “’09tendo.”

Reuners from ’49: Jack Smiley, left, and Harvey Rothberg.

Five years out, many members of ’14 return to campus.
Yina Moore marches proudly with the Class of 1979.

The Class of ’04 “Aces the 15th”
Frank Wojciechowski

Joe Schein ’37, the oldest alum from the oldest class present, received the Class of 1923 cane. Seventeen family members and friends came to campus with Schein, who walked the entire route.
Frank Wojciechowski
Herb Hobler ’44, driven by Sami Pharaon ’22, has attended the last 73 Reunions.
Beverly Schaefer

1984’s Grace Zandarski, left, and Anne (Lane) Martinez celebrate the class theme: Mind, Body? Soul!
Frank Wojciechowski

Dani Rowles *13, with husband Mike Persons behind, helps the AGPA “gear up for a good time.”
Frank Wojciechowski

Jon Golden, left, and Jim Greilsheimer, 1959 classmates.
Beverly Schaefer
Times —They Are a-Changin’, say Ron Seck ’69 and other members of the 50th-reunion class, displaying some evidence of that.
Frank Wojciechowski

Reunions de-stress: QiGong master Nadia Linda Hole ’75 leads a class.
Frank Wojciechowski

The Class of ’19
Ethan Sterenfeld ’20

George Kirby ’54 is driven by his son Mike.
Frank Wojciechowski

Dan Ungar ’74 enjoys the P-rade.
Frank Wojciechowski

Fifty-five is not their limit! From left, John Glancy, John Rush, and Mort Kahan, all Class of 1964.
Frank Wojciechowski

Members of ’89 celebrate “Thirty Dancing.” From left: Washington Wedderburn, Jean Grier, “Che” Black, Frankie Cruz, and Scott Jeffrey.
Beverly Schaefer

Partying like it’s 1999, Ken Lee and the 20th-reunion class pay tribute to Prince with orange coats instead of purple.
Beverly Schaefer
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