The Commencement season included several ceremonies that recognized groups of students. Among them was the Officer Commissioning Exercises at Nassau Hall June 4. Below, Joshua Prager ’13, center, stands at attention while his parents, Douglas and Janice Prager, pin shoulder bars on his uniform. Six Army ROTC graduates were commissioned this year, including Hannah K. Martins ’13, a recipient of the George C. Marshall Leadership Award for cadets who ranked in the top 1 percent of the more than 5,500 ROTC graduates nationwide. A seventh classmate, whose training was delayed by a sports injury, is slated to earn his commission in July.
Special ceremonies also were held for African-American, Latino, and LGBT graduates.
PRINCETON IN HER GENES In 1992, when Jeremy Rabb graduated from Princeton, his father, history professor Theodore Rabb *61, marched in the Commencement procession in full regalia. After the ceremony, the Rabbs posed with 1-year-old Alexandra Elaine Bailin, Jeremy’s niece and Theodore’s granddaughter. At Commencement this year, they stood for the same photo – this time, with new grad Alexandra ’13 in her academic garb.
Gabriella Rizzo ’13 shows off what she’s been working toward for the last four years.
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