Features Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign! By Princeton Alumni Weekly Published June 23, 2016 1 min read Copied to clipboard Photos: Ricardo Barros; Lizzie Martin ’14 GS; Beverly Schaefer; Frank Wojciechowski; photo collage by Steven Veach 0 Responses Join the conversation Name Email Princeton affiliation - Select -AlumniFacultyStaffStudentCommunity MemberNon-alumni Response Plain text Full name and Princeton affiliation (if applicable) are required for all published comments. For more information, view our commenting policy. Responses are limited to 500 words for online and 250 words for print consideration. Related News Features Is the Proposed Endowment Tax Another Cash Grab? A ‘meteor is about to hit’ higher education as Republicans look to increase the tax on endowments Sports Ryan Quigley ’20 Returns to New Orleans for Super Bowl After Terror Attack The former Princeton football player was in the French Quarter when Tiger Bech ’21 was among 14 people killed on New Year’s Day Tiger of the Week Nikolche Gjorevski *12 Is Building Organoids for Biomedical Research ‘We’re interested in using these structures to study human biology and human disease’
Features Is the Proposed Endowment Tax Another Cash Grab? A ‘meteor is about to hit’ higher education as Republicans look to increase the tax on endowments
Sports Ryan Quigley ’20 Returns to New Orleans for Super Bowl After Terror Attack The former Princeton football player was in the French Quarter when Tiger Bech ’21 was among 14 people killed on New Year’s Day
Tiger of the Week Nikolche Gjorevski *12 Is Building Organoids for Biomedical Research ‘We’re interested in using these structures to study human biology and human disease’
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