GRAND-MARSHAL FIRST: This year, for the first time, the P-rade was led by a Graduate School alumnus. Dan Lopresti *87, a professor at Lehigh University and former president of the Association of Princeton Graduate Alumni, led the procession down Elm Drive as grand marshal.
OUTDOOR-ACTION GURU: About 200 people attended a Reunions celebration for Rick Curtis ’79, who has directed the University’s Outdoor Action program since its launch 35 years ago. The event featured speeches by alumni who had been OA leaders and was capped by the presentation of a digital scrapbook with photos submitted by OA alumni.
125 YEARS: Triangle Club alumni broke into a kickline backstage at McCarter Theatre after this year’s show, Tropic Blunder. The all-male kickline has long been a staple of the musical-comedy troupe, which is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year. Many of the approximately 200 returning Triangle alumni carried signs and banners in the P-rade to commemorate club history.
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