Wayne Coffey

Wayne Coffey content overview

‘Born to Do Something’


Attorney Brittany Sanders Robb ’13 may have made a name for herself working on behalf of Kobe Bryant’s widow, but she has been helping people since she was a kid

Roll Call


For 50 years, Hoagie Haven has been overstuffing students with quirky combos and a carb-loaded menu

4 Responses

Watch This Space


James Tralie ’19 is there when NASA makes news, explaining the deep science of historic achievements and having the time of his life doing it.

1 Response

One Jew’s Journey


Rabbi Gil Steinlauf ’91 returned to Princeton last year to lead the Center for Jewish Life. He found big changes — and big challenges

12 Responses

Sea Change


Eric Pedersen ’82 wants to revolutionize the seafood industry and forge a new way to farm fish out of his one-of-a-kind factory in Waterbury, Connecticut

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