In response to: Continuing straight ahead

Steve Schildt ’91

9 Years Ago

Alex Wilson '03's dream

A superb article regarding Alex Wilson ’03, who lost his leg in Iraq due to a roadside bomb (cover story, Oct. 7) — a real Pat Tillman story. It brought tears of both tragedy and triumph to my eyes. Alex’s senior-year thought process of the military versus the FBI versus graduate school was identical to my own. Alex is among that exceedingly rare breed of soldier in whose presence we all feel thoroughly humbled: the Ivy League graduate patriotic enough to enlist in the military after graduation in a time of war. I note that Alex is assuming that his dream of working for the FBI is no longer a possibility because of his lost leg. I am fairly certain this is incorrect. The current FBI director is our own Robert Mueller ’66. Note to Director Mueller: Tiger Nation will be most distressed if a call is not placed promptly by your office to Mr. ­Wilson!  

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