In response to: Built to Last

Andres Duany ’71 and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk ’72

4 Years Ago

Another To Credit

Thank you for the article on Princeton and the New Urbanism, which several professional colleagues have already commended for its accuracy. Those years at the architecture school under Dean Geddes were indeed serendipitous. Among the many Princetonians involved in the movement, there is another to credit: Our classmate Chip Kaufman ’71 emigrated to Australia where, with his partner Wendy Morris, he achieved as much urban reform on that continent as we did on ours.

Editor’s note: Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk were among the founders of the Congress for a New Urbanism and designed the first New Urbanist town, Seaside, Florida, in 1980.

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