Very interesting. As a cub "Prince" reporter around 1956 I heard the name Bill Tangney spoken of with admiration and in legendary terms. It's good to hear some of the factual details. I later took a course from Carlos Baker and enjoyed it very much. I had the impression that the Baker-Hemingway relation was much closer, and am surprised to learn that they never met. I was in Pamplona a few years ago during the San Fermin running of the bulls. The name Hemingway is well known there. I thought a lot about Baker and Hemingway. The air of danger will no doubt have been heightened since last year's death by goring. I'm writing this during San Fermin week, but am safely in Ottawa. My agility was never great, but currently the odds of my outrunning even the lamest bull are pretty slim. I have a funny story they tell in Pamplona about bull-fighting, but it's not printable.

Randal Marlin ’59
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada