James Swinehart ’27’s nourishing article on the culinary phenomenon of the Frist Campus Center “Late Meal” was a thoroughly appetizing read (Student Dispatch, February issue). To my surprise the essay brought forth a flashback, not of any undergraduate episodes, but of later experience in service with the U.S. Navy. This is something I might have forgotten completely but for the memory poke provided by the old reliable PAW.
The Navy (at one time) had a similar mess option, referred to in that standard lingual military shorthand as “Mid Rats” (meaning “midnight rations”). Like Late Meal, Mid Rats were always well-attended and popular.
This absent-minded, gray-haired knucklehead had lost track of that long-ago lost dining detail, until joyously reminded of it by his treasured good-old reliable PAW. The Princeton Alumni Weekly, why it’s sort of like Navy chow; it just doesn’t get any better. And did I mention the splendidly exquisite illustration accompanying the Student Dispatch piece? How can you beat all of that?
James Swinehart ’27’s nourishing article on the culinary phenomenon of the Frist Campus Center “Late Meal” was a thoroughly appetizing read (Student Dispatch, February issue). To my surprise the essay brought forth a flashback, not of any undergraduate episodes, but of later experience in service with the U.S. Navy. This is something I might have forgotten completely but for the memory poke provided by the old reliable PAW.
The Navy (at one time) had a similar mess option, referred to in that standard lingual military shorthand as “Mid Rats” (meaning “midnight rations”). Like Late Meal, Mid Rats were always well-attended and popular.
This absent-minded, gray-haired knucklehead had lost track of that long-ago lost dining detail, until joyously reminded of it by his treasured good-old reliable PAW. The Princeton Alumni Weekly, why it’s sort of like Navy chow; it just doesn’t get any better. And did I mention the splendidly exquisite illustration accompanying the Student Dispatch piece? How can you beat all of that?