Seriously? Unity? As in join a cabal of kleptocrats led by a wannabe fascist dictator? I don’t think so. Not for one blessed moment. This is the time to stand up and fight for what’s left of this democratic republic. And this person was a politics major? Did this individual bother to study political philosophy along the way? Or American history? This article is a ridiculous waste of ink ... or keystrokes. And I’m worse off for having bothered to read it.
Seriously? Unity? As in join a cabal of kleptocrats led by a wannabe fascist dictator? I don’t think so. Not for one blessed moment. This is the time to stand up and fight for what’s left of this democratic republic. And this person was a politics major? Did this individual bother to study political philosophy along the way? Or American history? This article is a ridiculous waste of ink ... or keystrokes. And I’m worse off for having bothered to read it.