The April issue covered the global warming activities of alumni (“The D Word”). Neither this issue of PAW nor any of the previous issues on the same subject mention that 3 billion people who on average use less electricity than a refrigerator will continue to struggle if climate change proponents reduce the availability of fossil fuels. Their plight will be further aggravated by Princeton’s energy divestment policy. This policy will increase the cost of capital for energy companies — reducing research and development and increasing the cost of fuel for all, especially those 3 billion.
The April issue covered the global warming activities of alumni (“The D Word”). Neither this issue of PAW nor any of the previous issues on the same subject mention that 3 billion people who on average use less electricity than a refrigerator will continue to struggle if climate change proponents reduce the availability of fossil fuels. Their plight will be further aggravated by Princeton’s energy divestment policy. This policy will increase the cost of capital for energy companies — reducing research and development and increasing the cost of fuel for all, especially those 3 billion.