Sev Onyshkevych ’83

9 Years Ago

Don’t give up paper theses

Re “Senior thesis moves into the digital era” (Campus Notebook, Dec. 12): There is a visceral feeling to a bound, paper thesis that is impossible to replicate digitally. Even though I was a computer science/electrical engineering major, so my thesis was optional and submitted electronically, I think it is grossly unacceptable to stop storing paper theses. At worst, the paper format should be optional; those who submit a thesis on paper should have this paper format preserved for posterity.

Clearly, the fact that paper theses are the most-requested items from Mudd Library indicates that there is demand for such. Why not let the free market decide: There is demand, we should continue the supply, and not make the decision based on some ukase from some petty central-planning bureaucrat.

Editor’s note: The new policy at Mudd Library means seniors now will be required to hand in a PDF of their thesis to their department, according to Pascale Poussart, the director of undergraduate research. The change doesn’t affect other departmental requirements for the thesis, so students will continue to hand in bound theses if required by their department.

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