In response to: Rise Above

Walter Weber ’81

4 Months Ago

Editorializing on Climate

I enjoyed the article on Reunions (“Rise Above,” July/August issue) and was delighted to see my decades-ago high school English teacher Dr. Donald Fletcher ’39 *51 carrying the Class of 1923 Cane!

I also appreciate that the article covered the various topical panels for alumni, including those on different sides of the climate change issue. It’s too bad a dose of bias marred the latter coverage: While the article uncritically repeated statements from the race-and-environment panel, the article went out of its way to undercut the critics of climate alarmism (saying the panelists “claimed” to debunk “‘myths’” and gratuitously adding an assertion of a contrary consensus among scientists). I’m not saying one or the other side was correct. My point is that an article should report, not editorialize.

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