In response to: The Pies That Bind

Joel Shertok *76

11 Months Ago

Food Favorites, From Conte’s to PJ’s

Thanks for the PAW Food Issue!

I loved the section on Conte’s Pizza. As a chemical engineering grad student (1971-75), Conte’s was my go-to place when I wanted to treat myself to a decent meal. Typically, on a summer Sunday, when thesis pressures were a little less, I’d walk from the campus to Conte’s (no car, of course) and order a pepperoni pizza and a bottle of Bud — nothing better in the world. And, being in my early 20s, calories didn’t count.

As for Hoagie Haven (“Roll Call,” March issue), I’m not sure if it was around when I was at Princeton. I would walk to Aljon’s on Witherspoon Street for my hero (not hoagie!) of choice.  

And when I was really feeling flush — a lunch of chicken parmesan at the Grotto ($3.50!) or pancakes at PJ’s. Ah, the good old days!

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