Reading the article on Princeton’s Chaucerians (Princeton Portrait, Sept. 12), with its introductory mention of Professors John V. Fleming *63 and D.W. Robertson Jr., immediately brought back one of my favorite Princeton memories. It took place on the first day of Professor Robertson’s fabulous Chaucer course in 1976 or 1977. Professor Robertson was ill, so a tall, thin, unidentified man appeared instead and proceeded to give a brilliant lecture on pre-Chaucerian thought and literature.
After receiving a huge ovation at the end of the class, the man asked whether anyone had any questions. A woman raised her hand and asked: “Who are you?” The man paused for several seconds, stared out at the class, and slowly declared: “I ... am the Green Knight.” He then closed his book and walked out of the room amid gales of appreciative laughter.
Thank you, Professor Fleming, for a wonderful lecture.