David Benjamin *73

8 Months Ago

Holding Class in a Hostile Setting

How dare you! How dare you! How dare you, Professor Weiss, force your students to go to the anti-Israel encampment in order to attend your class on select days. If this was a KKK or Proud Boys encampment, how would your Black and Hispanic students feel if they were forced to enter the encampment to take your class? (Although the KKK never mass-raped women, nor took hundreds hostage).

And how dare Princeton University not immediately fire this professor and others who forced their students into this jungle of hate, as perceived by their Jewish students. If Professor Weiss and his cohorts cannot understand this, all the more reason for them to be nowhere near students.

The faculty role is simple: By all means educate, instruct, and debate; but forcing students into hostile encampments is never OK.

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