Ron Cohen ’77

1 Month Ago

Lobbying Is Not ‘Subjugating’

Richard, ironically your comments here actually represent amplification of the antisemitic tropes you (erroneously) claim to be substantiated. There is a critical difference between being one among many effective lobbying groups across a vast number of constituencies and “subjugating” the U.S. Your language is in fact another form of antisemitic libels (e.g. “Jews control the world” or “Jewish space lasers”) that have been wielded to justify persecution and mass murders of Jews.

As to your comments about Israel killing “more than 40,000 Palestinians,” you have uncritically adopted Hamas’ reported numbers, whose accuracy are not only suspect, but which do not differentiate between military personnel and civilians. Israel estimates more than 18,000 Hamas fighters killed, with a resultant civilian to combatant ratio of close to 1:1, which is among the lowest of any war ever, even though Hamas deliberately uses its civilians as human shields.

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