In response to: Speaking Out on DACA

Jacques-Andre Istel ’49

7 Years Ago

Mr. Elliot is correct and,...

Mr. Elliot is correct and, like Mrs. Elliot, I went through the "Green Card" process. My immigration anecdote:
c. 1948, I applied to the PLC program on campus desiring to become a Marine Corps officer. The impressive recruiter, Major Louis Wilson USMC, had among many ribbons a top blue and white one, then meaningless to me. 
He interviewed and signed me up.
As I was leaving: "Istel." "Yes sir." "You are an American citizen?" "No sir, French citizen." Rip went the papers, and later I became a private in the USMC, which accepted foreigners in lower ranks.
With 1951 citizenship I qualified, through a tough screening course followed by Basic School, as an officer.
One of the great privileges of my life, many years later, was a close acquaintanceship with the Commandant of the United States Marine Corps, General Louis Wilson, Medal of Honor.

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