Kai Chan *03

9 Years Ago

Preparing Graduate Students

William B. Russel hits the nail on the head when he says that the “task ahead is to enlighten graduate students about careers beyond the academy, or even within the academy beyond tenure-track positions” (On the Campus, April 2). As a Ph.D. alum, I couldn’t agree more. In keeping with various seminars and events at Princeton that helped me envision careers beyond the academy, I’m now working hard to further these same goals as an associate professor and grad-program adviser at the University of British Columbia.

One of my biggest accomplishments in this space is a graduate internship program. After five years of rave reviews, we hope to continue the program indefinitely. Read more about the program here: www.stanford.edu/group/leopoldleadership/cgi-bin/wordpress/?p=2093.

Thanks to Dean Russel for his strong and longstanding efforts to make graduate education at Princeton broadly relevant in this 21st century.

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