In Response to: Benn W. Jesser ’36 *41

I was just recounting a memory of Benn on a business trip I took with him to Libya in 1979. He was working for Uhde and was showing us a methanol plant Uhde had built on the Libyan coast to supply methanol to Europe. Qaddafi was in charge and Libya had just changed their flag to a green Muslim flag rather than the Italian-based flag Libya had previously. My firm was looking at a natural gas-based coastal plant in Trinidad, so we were interested. During the trip, we saw that the plant was also taking the carbon dioxide from the adjacent ammonia plant to add to the methanol plant to improve the efficiency. We added this element to the plant when it was built by the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NGCTT).

What brought it to mind was the chaos at Kabul Airport. Benn, a rugby player, just dove into the crowd to get our tickets and get us onboard the flight (Benghazi to Tripoli to Malta). Thank you Benn for a great memory.

Frank Campi
Orlando, Fla.