In response to: Yo, Band!

Jedd Wolchock ’87

9 Years Ago

Serenaded by the band

I very much enjoyed your feature on the band. I was a member from ­fresh­man week through my graduation, including stints as president (1985) and head manager (1986). My boater still hangs proudly on my wall, next to my four years of band photos. I experienced the full range of “music, marching, and mirth” that PAW described, including some memorable sessions of nail-biting during the weekly censor reviews of our scripts, and also playing the piccolo solo from “Stars and Stripes Forever” on the sousaphone at Palmer Stadium.

However, my most memorable PUB story was when the band marched into my wedding reception at the Princeton Hyatt in 1993 at the request of my buddy, Mike Klein ’87. My wife, Karen, and I could not resist the opportunity to join in the classic renditions of “Tequila” and “Rock Lobster.” I had no choice but to return the favor when he was married at Prospect House several years ago. Congratulations to the band on the first 90 years!

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