In Response to: In the Army (and Navy) Now
I read with disbelief and dismay the article “In the Army (and Navy) Now” (On the Campus, July 12). I quote: “[Bret] Hinrichs, the first ensign commissioned by Princeton’s NROTC program in 45 years ... .” So much for “Princeton in the nation’s service.” I was in the NROTC program from 1957 to 1960, and then served in the Navy until 1970. My graduating class included about 100 midshipmen who were commissioned as ensigns. Yes, there are many ways to serve the nation, but none are more important or fulfilling than our nation’s military services. Best of luck to Ensign Hinrichs; he has a wonderful experience awaiting him.
Editor’s note: Princeton’s NROTC program was active from 1945 to 1971. It was re-established in the fall of 2014.